Michele Marie Bachmann born on 6th April 1956 Waterloo city.

Michele is the third woman and first Republican woman to represent Minnesota in Congress.Michele strong advocacy for his constituents received his second term in Congress in November 2008.

Michele bachmann

Congress Women Michele Bachmann is the first Republican woman elected to the U. S. Minnesota House of Representatives. Only in his first term, Congress Women Bachmann developed a reputation as a "principle of the reforms," which stays true to Their conservative beliefs while pushing for real reform of the broken ways of Washington.

Michele bachmann strong advocacy for his constituents received his second term in Congress in November 2008. Michele bachmann is a major bipartisan proposal for earmark reform and tax cuts and a strong opponent of wasteful government spending.

Michele bachmann is one of the leaders of the U. S. House to push for greater energy exploration in the U.S. to provide much needed relief at the pump for Americans who work hard and put our nation on the path to energy independence. Before serving in Congress, Bachmann served in the Senate of the State of Minnesota. Elected to the Minnesota State Senate in 2000.