National Hydroelectric Power Corporation in short NHPC, which is a Govt. of India Enterprise incorporated in 1975.

NHPC Ipo Allotment Status

The Government of India has set a price of 36 rupees for a portion of the shares of the NHPC's initial public offering and therefore increase the Rs 6048 crore, of which one third goes to the heart of the disinvestment proceeds and the rest will be with the PSU hydropower utility.

The IPO of the National Hydro Power Corporation Ltd (NHPC Ltd), which closed for subscription on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 was 23.74 times over on a global basis.

The IPO was oversubscribed by 56.71 times incredibly in the category of non-institutional investors, at 29.16 times the qualified institutional bidders (QIB) Retail category and over-employed categories are 3.87 times and 0, 57 times respectively.

How to Ckeck allotment status :

Select NHPC Ltd. IPO from dropdown menu

  • Click on IPO allotment status
  • Enter your application number or DP ID